Headmaster Strategies Educational

Abstract: Strategies of principal is an important factor in determining the success of the improvement of school quality. This study aimed to describe the strategies of principal from the planning, implementation, supervision, and obstacles in improving education quality. To achieve the goal, this study used qualitative approach and descriptive method. Data collection through observation, interview, and documentation study. Data analysis procedure were data reduction, data display, and data verification. Subjects of this study were principal, vice principal, and teachers. The results of the study showed that (1) The strategies of principal in improving learning effectiveness conducted by teachers with the suggestion that teachers’ discipline should be improved and teachers should prepare lesson plan, (2) The strategies of principal in improving teacher potential by conducting various trainings and technical guidance, and teacher have to equip themselves with quality reading, (3) There was no obstacle in the condition of school staff/personnel and teachers but there were obstacles in facility and infrastructure especially the classrooms condition which were inadequate, the school did not have multipurpose building, and the school environment condition was plagued by inconvenient vehicles and public transportations.
Keywords: Strategies of Principal and Education Quality

In educational development, the principle of equity, relevance, effectiveness, efficiency and quality improvement have always been an unresolved problem. The educational equity is a manifestation of democracy in education. The step taken by the government in the distribution of education is to provide educational services to every citizen. This principle is implemented by considering the ability of the State.
The principle of relevance, as the second principle applied to adjust graduates (in the form of knowledge and skills) in a variety of needs in the developing community. The third principle, namely: Effectiveness and efficiency aim to optimize the management of education. While the last principle is to improve the quality of education is done in order to control the graduates constantly updated with the development of science and technology.
The improvement of the quality of education as one of the principles of national education development strategy is based on the vision and misson of the strategic educational system. The strategic vision of our education and pembinaan system must include several things, especially in the preparation of human resource development strategies to identify global powers in the future.
Among educational leaders that have various types and levels, the principal is the most important educational leader, because the principal is directly related to the implementation of educational programs in a school. The achievement of the objectives of education is highly dependent on the skill and wisdom of the principal as one of educational leaders. This is because the principal is a professional officer in the school organization who responsible for managing all sources of the organization and collaborate with teachers in educating students to achieve educational goals.
The leadership becomes a strategy and important in the duty and authority of the principal position. The quality of school is strongly influenced by the quality of education of the school principal. The School became a stakeholder. In accordance with the above statement,  Murniati, (2008: 66) states that: Only a sincere leadership that can make efforts so that the goals of education, nationally, institutionally and individually can be achieved.
From the explaination above, it can be explained that the educational leaders are the sincere people who expect nothing to anyone, so they can make efforts or ways to achieve the goal of education in preparing future generations to be ready to face the challenges of the real world after they finish their education.
A good school leadership will encourage the effectiveness of the school management in achieving objectives. The school principals as leaders of educational institutions must also understand the key steps in the organization and management, which are the main activities to be executed by each teacher and staff. The school principal is a driving force for school resources. In this case, teachers need to be encouraged to make a positive, exciting and productive working atmosphere. This is because the teachers are the input that has a significant influence in the learning process.
Based on the findings, the researcher interested in conducting a research on the principal strategies in improving the quality of education. The fact that there are some principals who have not done yet the improvement of the quality of education optimally. The principal strategy in improving the quality of education should be run by people who are able to run the improvement program of the quality of education by optimizing all available resources, so that the objectives of the education can be attained.


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