History Of Psychology Of Religion

Psychology of Religion , Before discussing further about the historical development of the psychology of religion , we start first with the history of psychology . In the beginning of psychology is part of a philosophy which is the mother of all sciences . Developmental psychology starts from the time of ancient Greece, which at that time still held or into the study of philosophy at the time. Then proceed psychology into the territory of the Islamic philosophy characters include: Ibn Sina , al- Ghazali , and others . In the next phase of psychology entrance to the western world , namely Europe , that characters such as : Paul Broca , and others . After a period of Wilhelm Wundt , psychology was born into a science of its own.
To establish exactly when the psychology of religion began to be studied did seem a bit difficult . However , although not complete , it turns problems into the fields of psychology of religion are often found either through information holy scripture and religious history .
This is because there is no clear evidence that reveals it. In this case we are only estimates of the results of the study of the psychology of religion are derived from scripture. Neither of the religion of Islam and non-Islam, in their influence on the psychology of religion there is no difference.
The life journey of Siddharta Gautama of Kapilavastu king's son who are willing to sacrifice the grandeur and elegance of life to become an ascetic shows how the inner life that happened in connection with their religion beliefs. The process of changing the direction of religious belief reveals the religious experience that affects self Buddhist religious leaders. And process it later in the   psychology of religion is called religious conversions. The process is nearly identical also described in the Qur'an about the Prophet Ibrahim, as led his people to tawheed to Allah.
At the time of Prophet Ibrahim frantically looking for his Lord that deserves to he worshiped. He tafakkur to think about who the real God. After a long time tafakkur he then got a revelation that he has the right to worship is God. It was though in the scriptures is a religious conversion.
Information about the process and religious events can also be found in the apotheosis of the Japanese people towards their emperor. Shinto religious myth that put the Japanese emperor as a descendant of the Sun God (Amiterasu Omi We) have also affect religious attitudes that are typical of the Japanese nation.
According to sources in the West, psychologist of religion considered that the study of the                psychology of religion became popular around the 19th century. Around the time that the psychology of the growing use as a tool for the study of religion. Such studies could help the understanding of how to behave, think and express religious feelings.

According Thoules, since the publication of the book The Varieties of Religious Experience in 1903, as a collection of lectures of William James at the four University in Scotland, the initial step of the study of the psychology of religion began to be recognized psychologists and within a period of thirty years later, a lot of books another -book published in line with the concepts are similar.
Among these books is The Psichology of Religion essay E.D Starbuck, which precedes by William James. ED Starbuck's book, published in 1899 then followed by a number of other books such as The Spiritual Life By George Albert Coe, 1900, kamudian The Belief in God and Immortalitry (1921) by JH Leuba and by Robert H.Thouless, entitled An Introduction to the Psycology of Religion, 1923, as well as RA Nicholson devoted to learning about the flow of Sufism in Islam with his book Studies in Islamic Mysticsm, 1921.
Since then, studies on the psychology of religion apparently not confined to issues concerning religious life in general, but also specific problems. Accordingly, non-western writers began publishing their books.
They also do not want to compete with the psychologist western regions, for example the author in India and the surrounding area, besides that they also hold the translation of the books of the psychology of the western regions.
As we know, that the psychology of religion relatively young branch of psychology. Based on information from the literature, it can be concluded that the birth of the psychology of religion as a stand-alone discipline has a historical background that is long enough

As we know, that the psychology of religion relatively young branch of psychology. Based on information from the literature, it can be concluded that the birth of the psychology of religion as a stand-alone discipline has a historical background that is long enough.
Western sources generally refers to the birth of the psychology of religion is the work of Edwin Diller Starbuck and William James. Book the Psychology of Religion an Empirical Study of Growth of Religion Consiousneskarya E.D Starbuck published in 1899, was rated as the book is specifically addressed the issue concerning the psychology of religion. A year later (1900), William James published the book The Varieties of Religion experiencies. The book containing religious experience various figures is then regarded as a pioneering book that became the beginning of the birth of the psychology of religion into a discipline of its own.  Psychology of religion is recognized as a discipline, a branch of psychology as science branch of psychology that lainnya. in the East, particularly in the areas of Islamic rule, writings which contains studies about similar things have not been included. As Ihya Ulumuddin al Ghhazali work and much more. It is estimated that there are still many writings of other Muslim scientists which contains the assessment of similar problems, but unfortunately the work is not yet time  to develop into a discipline of its own as did Western scientists.
History of Psychology of Religion; There are several reasons that perhaps can be the cause. The first setback since the Islamic countries,  the attention of scientists to the interests of science began to decline. Second, since the attacks of the Mongols to the center of Islamic civilization (Baghdad) and the defeat of Islam in Andalusia, occurred extermination work of Muslim scientists. Third, the less commendable attitude of Western scientists themselves (especially after the decline of the Islamic era) are generally less appreciated works of Muslim scientists. Fourth, the works of Muslim scholars in antiquity and is generally written by the scientists who in his time known as the connotation of religious, as mufassirin (commentators), muhaddisin (expert hadith), jurists (jurisprudent) or ahl al wisdom (philosopher) , Thus their works identified with pure sciences Islamic religion or philosophy.
Other works are more specific about the psychology of religion is Ruh al Din al Islamy (soul religion Islam) written by Abd Al Fatah Alif, 1956. Similarly, in 1963 published the book Al Shihab al Nafsiyah bouquet Mustafa Fahmy. And many more works of Muslim scientists about the psychology of religion. But based on the context of psychiatric perhaps Tatawur book al Syu'ur al Dinny 'inda Tif; wa al Murabiq work of Abd al Moneim Abd al Aziz Al Maghary, can be considered as the beginning of the rise of religious psychology studies in the modern Muslim scientists.
History of Psychology of Religion; As for the psychological development in the country spearheaded by the religious figures who have a background as a scientist clergy, and the medical field. Among the early works that are most related to the psychology of religion is the book Religion and Healthy Body / Soul (1965), written by Prof. Dr. H. Aulia. Then in 1975, K.H.S.S Djaman wrote the book Islam and Psikomatik. Dr. Nici Gratitude Lister, wrote the book on Religious Experience and Motivation: Introduction to Psychology of Religion.
Since becoming a stand-alone discipline, developmental psychology of religion was considered quite   rapidly, compared to age is still relatively young. Developmental psychology of religion quite rapidly among others marked by the publication of various papers, either in the form of books and articles and journals containing studies on how the role of religion in human life.Thus the psychology of religion has now entered the field of human life, since from households, schools, religious institutions, hospitals, orphanages, nursing homes, and even up to the community institutions.
Thus the history of the psychology of religion through a tortuous journey to become an independent science and growing very rapidly at the age younger than the other sciences.


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